How to search for lost files or changes using Git Log
- 2024-04-27
- 4 minutes to read
I have lost a file in my Git repository. Here are a few options to seek it out by using git grep and git log.
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How to run a powershell script as part of a Git hook
- 2024-03-09
- 3 minutes to read
Ever wanted to run a powershell script as part of a Git Hook? Well you can! This post explains how you do it.
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How to update the remote URL of a Git repository
- 2024-02-24
- 4 minutes to read
You need to update the URL for the remote repository. In this post I will explain to you how to do it.
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Useful Git Commands that I use from time to time
- 2023-09-12
- 3 minutes to read
Here is a collection of useful advanced git commands that I use from time to time. I always forget them so I thought I would write them down and share them.
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Steps required to rename the Default Branch in Github
- 2023-07-04
- 2 minutes to read
The post explains how to update the name of the default branch of an existing repository hosted on Github.
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How to create a git alias to run common or custom commands
- 2023-06-09
- 3 minutes to read
How to use git aliases to call regularly used, or hard to remember commands. This approach will save having to store more things in your brain!
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