Hugo live reload constantly keeps reloading

Hugo live reload constantly keeps reloading

  • 2024-05-18
  • 3 minutes to read

I have run into an issue from time to time where Hugo's live reload feature keeps reloading the page. This is how I fixed it.

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Creating Mermaid diagrams in markdown using vscode

Creating Mermaid diagrams in markdown using vscode

  • 2024-05-17
  • 7 minutes to read

My blog theme supports mermaid. Mermaid is a visual diagram syntax, so I wanted to test it out in vscode.

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How to test the Mobile Version of your Hugo website

How to test the Mobile Version of your Hugo website

  • 2023-10-05
  • 3 minutes to read

How to test the layout of your Hugo site on mobile before pushing it to the remote server without using developer tools.

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How to fix broken Giscus discussion links

How to fix broken Giscus discussion links

  • 2023-10-05
  • 3 minutes to read

I changed the titles of some blog posts (don't do this!) and now my Giscus discussion links are broken. Here is how I fixed them.

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Bypass blocking of embedded tweets using Hugo shortcodes

Bypass blocking of embedded tweets using Hugo shortcodes

  • 2023-08-23
  • 4 minutes to read

X (the site formerly known as Twitter) now blocks embedding tweets (xweets? exes?), now my Hugo build fails! Thanks to shortcodes this was easy to fix.

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Setting Up 404 Redirect for Hugo Using Azure Static App

Setting Up 404 Redirect for Hugo Using Azure Static App

  • 2023-07-30
  • 3 minutes to read

Azure Static Web App doesn't adhere to Hugo's 404 redirect which is not immediately apparent. This post explains how to fix it.

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Adding comments to Hugo using Giscus commenting system

Adding comments to Hugo using Giscus commenting system

  • 2023-05-14
  • 8 minutes to read

How to add a comments and reactions to your Hugo site using Giscus, a comments system powered by GitHub discussions.

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Static Web App Maximum Number of Staging Environments

Static Web App Maximum Number of Staging Environments

  • 2023-05-14
  • 6 minutes to read

How to resolve the build failure 'Static Web App Already Has Maximum Number of Staging Environments'.

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Adding comments to Hugo using Gitalk commenting system

Adding comments to Hugo using Gitalk commenting system

  • 2021-11-02
  • 5 minutes to read

How to configure Hugo and GitHub to use Gitalk commenting system, a modern comment component based on GitHub Issue and Preact.

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Learning to Hugo Part 5: Hosting on an Azure Static Webapp

Learning to Hugo Part 5: Hosting on an Azure Static Webapp

  • 2021-05-10
  • 8 minutes to read

This is the fifth post in a series about the things I have learnt setting up my blog using Hugo, covering how to host your site using Azure Static Web Apps.

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Learning to Hugo Part 4: Shortcodes and Archetypes

Learning to Hugo Part 4: Shortcodes and Archetypes

  • 2021-05-05
  • 10 minutes to read

Using shortcodes and archetypes to create repeatable content.

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Learning to Hugo Part 3: Front Matter

Learning to Hugo Part 3: Front Matter

  • 2021-05-04
  • 9 minutes to read

How to use front matter to adjust my content.

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Learning to Hugo Part 2: Structure and Content Organisation

Learning to Hugo Part 2: Structure and Content Organisation

  • 2021-05-02
  • 10 minutes to read

This is the second post in a series about the things I have learnt about setting up my blog using Hugo.

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Learning to Hugo Part 1: Setting up Hugo for the first time

Learning to Hugo Part 1: Setting up Hugo for the first time

  • 2021-05-01
  • 6 minutes to read

This is the first post in a series about the things I have learnt about setting up my blog using Hugo.

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Learning to Hugo for the very first time through exploration

Learning to Hugo for the very first time through exploration

  • 2021-05-01
  • 4 minutes to read

Here is my write up after setting up Hugo and exploring it for the first time. I am really enjoying it!

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Hello world! This is my first post on my Hugo blog!

Hello world! This is my first post on my Hugo blog!

  • 2020-01-01
  • 1 minute to read

This is the first post that I created on my new blog using Hugo. Yes it is a Helo Byd / Hello World post.

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