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Running on behalf of Children With Cancer in 2025
- 2024-12-31
- 4 minutes to read
I am going to raise money for Children with Cancer UK in 2025, a charity that works to help children and young people survive cancer.
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Byte Sized: Remapping paste in macOS to always match style
- 2024-12-30
- 2 minutes to read
The default paste command preserves formatting, I want to paste and strip formatting by default. This byte sized post describes how to overcome this.
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Byte Sized: Changing Default Terminal in vscode
- 2024-12-22
- 1 minute to read
A byte sized vscode blog post that simply describes how to change the default terminal in vscode, allowing you to start in a different shell.
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Adding Bluesky links, buttons and icons to my Hugo site
- 2024-11-17
- 9 minutes to read
Talks through the changes I needed to make in order to set up social links and a share to bluesky button on my site.
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Simplified Way to Install Sqlpackage on macOS using dotnet
- 2024-11-15
- 1 minute to read
It has been a right pain installing Sqlpackage on macOS but it is really easy to do using the dotnet sdk and homebrew
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My activities tracker for community contributions in 2024
- 2024-10-31
- 2 minutes to read
A list of events and activities I have contributed to STEM and the community during the calendar year.
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